CPS “hits big” locally
CPS celebrated the return of an employee, new cars and the sponsorship to EFC.

CPS (Community Protection Services (Pty) Ltd) has entered into a sponsorship agreement with local boy Wilhelm “Tiny” Strauss who resides in New Redruth, Alberton.
Tiny is a fighter in the heavyweight division in the very popular and growing EFC Africa Championship. He was congratulated by CPS’s own “crime fighter” Nardus Hollander who is back on the road after recovering from a serious motor vehicle accident earlier this year!
“We would like to welcome them both and wish them success in their respective challenges,” said CPF members.
At the same time CPS has added a further three new VW Polos to the growing fleet of reaction vehicles already combating crime on the streets of Alberton.
“We would like to thank all our existing clients for their loyal support and encourage potential clients to call us for a free quotation to sign up with our company for 24 Hour Armed Response or Guarding.”
Contact Tyrone or Matt 011 024 2426 for a free quote or further information.