Metro pays up R60 000 for legal battle

Ekurhuleni Metro had to cough up more than R60 000 after an letter of execution against property was granted by the Germiston Magistrates Court in favour of councillor Izak Berg.

EKURHULENI – This follows a court case in 2008 between Berg and the former City Manager of EMM, Patrick Flusk.

“At that stage, Flusk was no longer employed by the EMM and they still chose to cover his legal costs. This was a legal battle between me and Flusk and not me and the metro. I won the case with cost against the metro and the court ruled that the EMM is liable for my legal costs,” Berg said.

“Metro ignored the deadline to pay the costs after which we granted them an additional 30 days. They still did come forward with the payment, and I then applied for a warrant of execution which was granted.

“To my knowledge the warrant took a while to be delivered, and on delivery on Friday July 11 the metro delivered the cheque to my attorney.

“I am of the opinion that the Metro’s management think they are above the law by simply ignoring court orders. On top of the initial amount, they now had to pay 15.5 per cent interest on the outstanding amount.

“This is just once again an indication that there is no clear thinking when it comes to the metro’s line of thought when they waste the ratepayers’ money. And this is only the Magistrate’s Court costs. Costs for the High Court still need to be assessed,” Berg concluded.

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