Resident gives his two cents

With reference to Nadia Vosloo’s letter regarding 'Fed up with the state of the town'.

WITH reference to Nadia Vosloo’s letter regarding ‘Fed up with the state of the town’.

A vote of agreement and also sincere thanks to Nadia for raising these issues and also to the RECORD for firstly taking the time to visit the various sites with her and secondly for then publishing her letter.

I have over an extended period raised many similar issues with Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) with limited success. A particular bugbear of mine is the below and the attached photographs, which has been dragging on since September 2015.

A vacant stand in Meyersdal is an absolute disgrace in what is supposed to be an elite suburb in Ekurhuleni.

I was informed that legal steps were going to be instituted against the owner but this does not appear to have had any impact whatsoever (if these legal steps were ever taken).

The pavement area is EMM’s responsibility and as the photographs indicate, nothing has been done at all to clean the pavement as well as the mess on the road itself. There may have been some herbicide sprayed onto the pavement, by who I do not know.

The original mails I sent last year were copied to several ward councillors and I have done so again with another one, so hopefully this will help.

AP Burger


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