Oakridge College

Established in 1999, Oakridge College was designed to address challenges facing teaching and learning by creating a small co-educational high school set in a dynamic learning environment where class sizes of approximately 12 learners ensures that teachers are able to give individual attention to pupils. The school has an annual learner population of between 100 and 120 learners with 14 full-time academic staff.

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Oakridge College focuses on the growth of the individual and provides an environment which helps learners acquire basic skills, knowledge, attitudes and values which help them function in society.


Oakridge College also offers a special facility for teaching English to foreign learners. This program takes place parallel to the normal academic program and has proven to be very successful.


You are invited to visit their website at www.oakridge.co.za or make an appointment to see how Oakridge College can benefit your child.


Contact Tamryn to make your appointment or for more information: applications@oakridge.co.za or 063 228 3494.

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