
Entry: #CH001

Hi entering the women’s month competition 💕I am a mom so I’ll nominate myself. Having my kiddies was the most amazing adventure of my life, and I love being a mom to my three kids.
The unconditional love I felt helped me put the difficult times in perspective. I was not and I am not a perfect parent, so I can’t give you advice on that, other than to say it was helpful for me to understand child development, to treat my children with the same respect I would treat myself or my friends and acquaintances and to understand that each was a unique person with a certain temperament and personality.
My children taught me more about myself than I taught them. My children taught me the importance of listening. They taught me how to stay grounded in my own values, but to be open to change. They taught me patience (many times). They taught me humility and sacrifice. They taught me the importance of touch and a quiet word. They taught me that I have many faults – ranging from jealousy to competitiveness to rigidity – and how unimportant those emotions are.
Entry: #CH001

Parents go crazy for the small things. When your toddler takes that first step, it’s bigger than Neil Armstrong’s first step on the 🌙 moon. When an infant sleeps through the night, it’s like you’ve won the lottery 😅 Getting a tooth – or losing the first tooth – is If celebration🥳. Millions of parents witness the same firsts every day, but when it’s your child, it’s as if it’s the Event of a Lifetime!
There are so many firsts. And so many tears. I wanted to protect my children from disappointments, rejections, loves lost, and all hurts, both emotional and physical – and I wish I could protect them now, but I can’t. That may be one of the biggest lessons that parents learn. We think learning to handle disappointments is something children need to learn. It is, but it’s also something my children taught me. Their pain hurts so much more deeply than my own pain. Our instinct is to fix problems. Even when that is possible, it’s often better to let our kids figure it out themselves. Like us, they need to learn to move through hurt, so they know they can get to the other side of it. Being hurt is being human.
Most of all, my children taught me what great joy feels like. While there is no hurt like hurting for your child, there is no joy like being happy for your child. I love being a witness and a guide as these three humans will soon grow into adults but still be my babies forever 💜 its pure joy just watching my kiddies be kids and re-living all those first moments when they have discovered how to do things on their own!”😀,Nothing else can produce the joy or broken heart that motherhood allows. I couldn’t imagine going through life without feeling that spectrum of emotion. There are wonderful days when I feel my cup runneth over.
There are days that I want to run away and question every decision I have ever made. Feeling it all, good or bad, gives my life purpose. Motherhood is walking around with all of your nerve endings raw and exposed. It is the most extreme measure of being alive.😄 Motherhood is truly a remarkable gift and a privilege that I hold very close to my heart. To me, being a mother means to be fearless, to be a positive role model, to be a continuous cheerleader for every milestone my children will experience, to demonstrate the abundance of unconditional love that has no end and to cherish the countless memories that is truly priceless🥰💃.
Entry: #CH002

Hi my name is Hazel Snyman this are my twins Leone and Leozel Swanepoel and this is my story.
When I was pregnant I had it very difficult with my girls they’re father beat me and he made my life hell. I was very sick with them, I was in and out of hospitals but with God’s grace and prayers He helped me a lot.
When there were six years old me and they’re father divorced me, it was a long journey but we survived a lot of obstacles. September the 2nd they are turning 16 and I couldn’t be more proud all thanks to our Heavenly Father I think every mother is a winner and special in they’re own way.
Regards Hazel
Entry: #CH003

Women Competition. Mom and Daughter. We are best friends and more like sisters, to one another. Always ready to take on life, Doesn’t matter what it throws to us. I always try and make a day with a smile and good laughter. Cause that’s what friends and family are for.
Maritza Prinsloo and Mari Prinsloo.
Entry: #CH004

Motivation According to my kids
Mamma is die sterkste dame wat ons Ken niks kan mamma ooit onder kry nie mamma is bang vir niks altyd reg om almal te help niks is ooit te veel moeite vir mamma nie al word mamma uitgeroep watter tyd dag of nog hoor ons mamma nooit kla nie 🤭mamma is voorwaar n yster vrou
Carla Sutherland
Entry: #CH006

Hi my name is Charmone Prinsloo my kids is Devantte,Greeghan,Corrine.
I’m a mother of 3, one girl and 2 boys. I’m a divorced mother come true a lot that this world can give but the only reason I’m still alive smiling crying is because of my beautiful kids mostly my baby daughter 9 years of age. She is full of life despite everything we went though. She has big dreams and I will help her one day making it a reality with God’s grace
Entry: #CH007

When I lost my mom in 2019 and went though divorce in the same year, I broke down and almost had depression, but because of you my daughter I pulled through. You prayed for me, comforted me when I was not feeling OK, encouraged me to become the person I can be, you become my best friend. As young as you are, I know I can always count on you, you are my confident and my smile keeper, my world becomes a better place whenever I’m with you. I love you so much. Love mommy
Entry: #CH008

Though she was fighting for her life since November last year till now I’ve been the most strongest mom she could ever ask for. Every time when I look at her I always smile and tell her how much I love her I didn’t get worried about my job as my focus was on her… I become a teacher,mother,Nurse to her…. I thank God for giving her the second chance..The pain of going to the work worse underground leaving a sick child home.. . I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO LOOSE HER.
Entry: #CH009

My name is Nthabiseng my daughter’s name is Tinyiko Mawelela. I raise my daughter as a single parent ,I’m playing the role of a mom and a dad in her life. She is my strength as she is my third born. She is now seven years this year she is in grade 3. I’m the best mom as I’m trying my best to make her not to feel the absence of a father.
Entry: #CH010

My name is Blanche Riley Brown, I am 10 years old, but will be turning 11 on the 27th of August, I attend Jongspan Primary School. I want to write and enter the mom/daughter competition because my mom and I share such a rare special bond, not only is she my mom but she is also my best best friend. My mom teaches me to use my talents, and special qualities with everyone- each morning she will kiss my forehead and tells me to be kind, as everyone is dealing with a lot and going through so much, and that I should sparkle wherever I go. I am not shy, and my mom encourage and motivates me to participate in various events, such as Arts festivals, Public Speaking and Revue- because I love dancing and she believes in me.
My mom loves hiking and being outdoors, in these special times, she makes it a show and tell journey, where we will talk about the creation and just be in nature enjoy what has been given to us. At night we will have quiet times, reading our bibles, my mom says that prayer changes things, but without believing it is worthless. She also tells me to be a lady, she taught me to cook and bake and clean my room and wash my socks. My mom is a kind-hearted single woman, who she does everything for us, she never says she does not have, and she makes things happen, if i can be half the woman she is I will be a very happy and successful woman one day.
We dream together, and one day we will travel to far away places. I love dancing, and like to make tiktok videos, showing my mom the moves, and we have a laugh afterwards. My mom is there every milestone in my life, she encourages me to be better everyday, comfort me when I am sad, shares my academic achievements and motivates me in all areas of my life. I love my mom dearly, and if I can become half the woman, she is I will be very blessed.
Entry: #CH011

I am a woman who loves people. I don’t like to see anyone sad. I like to see everybody happy. I love children too much. I don’t want to see children who doesn’t have food, clothes, etc. I make sure we share things and I love my children so much.
I take care of my children and I am unemployed and I have a garden of vegetables that is why I feed children who doesn’t have food and I am a mother to all the children not only my kids that is why I love them and I take care of my children and I assist them with any homework they always have from school because I am a mother who loves education and education is the key of their life and success. That is why I deserve to win because of those things I mentioned above. It will really mean a lot to me and my children.
I love to see them studying books so that they can I have a bright future. I am always with my children everyday and I spend time with them. The way I love children and my kids. I am great motivation to children and my kids and I am a tutor to children who don’t understand anything and especially my children and my daughter is so special to me and I am teacher, parent to children and I am a mother who has sympathy, mercy to children. That’s why I am so special to people especially the children and my kids and I love my kids and kind to my daughter. Thank you so much
Nolubabalo And mom is Nosakhele
Entry: #CH012

Mapaseka Molale and Oratile Molale
I take care of my children and I am unemployed and I have a garden of vegetables that is why I feed children who doesn’t have food and I am a mother to all the children not only my kids that is why I love them and I take care of my children and I assist them with any homework they always have from school because I am a mother who loves education and education is the key of their life and success.
That is why I deserve to win because of those things I mentioned above. It will really mean a lot to me and my children. I love to see them studying books so that they can I have a bright future. I am always with my children everyday and I spend time with them. The way I love children and my kids. I am great motivation to children and my kids and I am a tutor to children who don’t understand anything and especially my children and my daughter is so special to me and I am teacher, parent to children and I am a mother who has sympathy, mercy to children.
That’s why I am so special to people especially the children and my kids and I love my kids and kind to my daughter. Thank you so much.
Entry: #CH013

I am Lin- Clair Van Wyk a woman of value, self worth, dignity, a queen and blessed with an eight months old best friend who I can’t wait to call me mom. I never fully understood what “womanhood” meant until I held her for the first time and my whole word changed. She holds so much power that she does not even know she instilled in me. I am striving to be a better woman that she can look up to. She is teaching me to always carry myself as the mom she would want everyone to know. She pushed me to be confident in my not so perfect body so that she has no insecurities growing up, she is pushing me to love her in a way I never knew love existed, she is pushing me to work harder in protecting our communities children in the social work profession that I am in.
She instilled patience in me that I never knew existed, and she pushed me to be the blossom on my own as her name derives from the beautiful azalea flowers that grows through any drought. She is already the woman I know she will be who will fix any woman’s crown when it is a bit skew as mine is steadfast on my head because of the woman she is pushing me to be. I will never be perfect but she is pushing me to be the best version of myself.
Entry: #CH014

The one of a kind woman in my life is a 71 year old Daisy Louw, she has been a mother to me and has helped me in many ways, my parents live in Eastern Cape but I have never felt that I don’t have parents around. 2 years ago her daughter took her own life it was a very difficult time for her I honestly did not think she was strong enough to deal with the pain but she made it.
She also took care of my son from birth until he was 7 years without asking for a cent from me, we are not related at all but I know I can always count on her, she really means a lot to me and I love to see a smile on her face..