
Another burglary at Khutsong School

There was another burglary at Mbulelo Primary School in Khutsong Township on Wednesday 13 July, while the school was closed for the holidays. The incident occurred after two classrooms were broken into earlier this year. According to the security guard, the burglary must have taken place in the early hours of Wednesday morning as he …

There was another burglary at Mbulelo Primary School in Khutsong Township on Wednesday 13 July, while the school was closed for the holidays. The incident occurred after two classrooms were broken into earlier this year. According to the security guard, the burglary must have taken place in the early hours of Wednesday morning as he found five classrooms with broken windows when he later reported for duty. He then realised
that only tissues had been stolen. The suspects, who are unknown, are believed to have entered through a hole in the school fence and one of the school gates, which is not normally locked. The security guard says he and a co-worker apprehended and assaulted another suspect who was trying to break into one of the classrooms on Friday 15 July. The suspect fled the scene and no one has been arrested yet.

The school gate where suspects entred
The school gate where suspects entered
A Grade R class that was previously broken into
A Grade R class that was previously broken into
Smashed window
Smashed window

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