High drama after Choppies robbery
High drama followed a robbery at Choppies Supermarket in Mahuta Street Khutsong at 18:20 on Thursday, 9 November. According to the Khutsong SAPS communications officer, Capt. Eddie Boboko, the incident took place at closing time, when the cashiers, Sharon Khuma and Winifred Dikeledi were serving the last customers at the tills. Dikeledi saw a man …
High drama followed a robbery at Choppies Supermarket in Mahuta Street Khutsong at 18:20 on Thursday, 9
November. According to the Khutsong SAPS communications officer, Capt. Eddie Boboko, the incident took place
at closing time, when the cashiers, Sharon Khuma and Winifred Dikeledi were serving the last customers at the
tills. Dikeledi saw a man trying to force his way through the closed entrance with a gun in his hand. At the same
time, a suspect at the till approached her and demanded money, physically assaulting her in the process. When the supervisor came and opened the till shortly afterwards, the suspect took the money bag and mput it in a branded grocery bag. At the same time, his accomplices were demanding money from two more cashiers and helping
themselves to the cash in the kiosk till. The suspects then dragged the supervisor, a security guard and a cashier
to the cash office and assaulted the supervisor, demanding that she open the safe. Once they had emptied it, they left.
According to the store manager, who had been patrolling the premises in the company bakkie, as he has been doing
since the last robbery, more suspects were waiting outside. He returned to the shop to find the armed man trying
to get in at the entrance. Another suspect fired five shots in his direction.