According to the communication officer of the police in Carletonville, WO Peter Masooa, the first incident took place during the night of 10 January. The owner, who lives in Doornfontein, parked his bakkie in the garage and padlocked the door at around 19:30.
His wife woke him up at 04:00 the next morning, however. She told him the garage door was open. The owner checked the vehicle and found that the battery had been stolen.
In another incident, also on 10 January, a man parked his Volkswagen Golf Velocity next to his garage. He made sure the gate was locked before he went to bed.
He woke up with a start at around 02:30 the next morning. He looked through the window and saw two unknown African men next to his car’s open bonnet, trying to remove the vehicle’s battery.
The owner grabbed his panga and stormed out of the house, causing the suspects to flee from the scene.
The man discovered that his car’s left front window, worth R1,000, had been smashed.