According to the Carletonville police’s communication officer, WO Peter Masooa, the incident happened on Saturday, 12 March. The dog unit members received information about a man with stolen copper cable and spotted his car around Carletonville at around 07:55. They followed it for a while before pulling it over next to Edura.
They searched the white Honda Brio, after the driver permitted them and found four bags of stolen copper cable inside. The driver confessed that he was going to sell the goods in Randfontein. He was arrested on the spot and the recovered property was handed in as a police exhibit.
“The damage and theft of infrastructure is a big blow to Carletonville’s economy and the country as large. When the economy goes down, everyone loses. The well-being of the area depends on electricity and everybody is affected when the copper cable conducting the electricity is cut and stolen,” says Masooa. The police urge the community to report suspected criminal activity in their areas and those who deal in illegal copper cable.