Motorists driving up Dolomite Street in the Blyvoor direction could often not use the left lane during the past two weeks due to the vast amount of sewage leaking down the street. The sewage seems to be leaking from two maintenance holes next to the intersection with Talc Road.
Driving down the road, the stench is unbearable. So much sewage leaks and dams up next to the road at times that it could also lead to sinkholes developing.
According to a resident of the area, who complained about the issue on social media, the sewage has been leaking since December. The problem has become so bad that someone has dug a trench and created a small wall with rubbish to dam the sewage up on the sidewalk. However, so much sewage is leaking that it continues to spill into the street.
Sewage leaks have occurred on and off in this area for years. The municipality said in the past that some problems stem from tree roots breaking the sewage pipes on the sidewalks.
Since the situation is worsening, the Herald again took the problem to the Merafong City Local Municipality on Tuesday.
“The matter will be investigated and attended to as soon as possible,” was the only answer received.