
On my mind – The importance of music

Listening to Deep House/Tech music has opened my mind to new things and I now see the world very differently.

Listening to Deep House/Tech music has opened my mind to new things and I now see the world very differently.

Art and music are basic human functions. Humankind and art go hand in hand. We have a burning desire to create, no matter how small or how grand.

Man’s interaction with sound is unavoidable, whether it’s making it or taking pleasure in it. People have always found music significant in their lives. They either enjoy listening to it, have an emotional response to it, perform it or create it.

Music stimulates the mind and draws attention to itself. One may be mindful of the melodies or themes, the harmony, driving or relaxed rhythms, the colour of the sounds, the activity of a piece, how the sounds are produced or how they all relate to one another. All the while, the listener is possibly figuring out how the composer conceived the piece.

Focused and attentive listening is an incredible experience that transports one to a foreign, sound world. Music crosses language barriers and communicates with people with whom we have nothing in common. Music is a way to make people listen, to have your say and express your feelings. It is a way to show love. It takes your emotions on a ride.

Music can stir up several emotions. It can make you feel happy, sad, angry, calm, pumped or confused. It is used in every culture, every social group, and every religion. Music links everybody and reminds us that, although we may be completely different with a different life and different views, we are all connected and need to treat each other respectfully. Music is what makes our lives interesting.

It will inspire us and befriend us so we know that, whatever happens, at least we will always have music.

At Caxton, we employ humans to generate daily fresh news, not AI intervention. Happy reading!
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