
Audi adds value to their products

Audi now offers owners the opportunity to extend their Audi Freeway Plan (AFP).

The Audi Freeway Plan is a service and maintenance programme sold with all new Audi vehicles. The plan is there to assist owners financially when the need for unexpected services or maintenance occurs within the first five years and/or 100 000 kilometres (whichever occurs first). Now vehicle owners that would like to continue driving their cars have the opportunity to extend the standard plan to ten-years and/or 300 000 kilometres. The AFP covers services, wear and tear items and certain repairs after an Audi Dealer assessment. If the AFP policy has not been invalidated by policy terms and conditions, the plan will also protect vehicle owners against potential defective workmanship, replacement and repair of defective parts.

The stand-alone plan created for Audi vehicles also allows for participation in the roadside assistance programme, Audi Assist. “We are all aware that vehicles become costly to look after as they become older. At Audi, we have also acknowledged that general consumer spending pressures have resulted in longer ownership cycles. For this reason, the newly launched Audi Freeway Plan extension is great value for those customers wanting the added peace of mind when owning and looking after their Audi vehicle,” Trevor Hill, Head of Audi South Africa.

Vehicle owners can extend their vehicle plan in increments of one-year or 30 000 kilometres from the date of original registration and coverage is immediate.

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