
Let’s talk about it – Finding balance in life

The art of life is about finding balance - something that most people are struggling to achieve in this time.

The art of life is about finding balance – something that most people are struggling to achieve in this time. As humans, we are very complex beings, all influenced very much by our upbringing which, in some way, determines the kind of people we become. Generally, people do not seem to be aware of the importance of finding balance or how to master it in order to be happy. I believe you cannot be truly happy if some part of you is being neglected. As physical beings, we also have a spiritual life and we must maintain some form of mental health, too. These three facets of our existence all need to be taken care of. Another area that needs to be balanced is work and play. When we are too focused on work, we forget that life is actually also about enjoyment. We need time to relax and have fun and, by that, I am not talking about going out and drinking. While on the subject of leisure, the other department that also has to be balanced is family and friendships. We all need to be nurtured, and we all need to spend time with our families. Those
who do not will suffer emotionally, because we all need to feel loved and to belong. At the same time, we must make time for our friends, however few or many they may be. We sometimes need to escape and be around people that we can discuss things with, things you can’t speak to anyone else about. I believe it is important to observe how you spend your time so you can be aware of which facets of your life are unbalanced. Even more important is to realise that it is never too late to balance your life especially when it comes to material and spiritual aspects. We need to take time out from the noise of daily life and go out into nature more often for spiritual revival. It is in nature, after all, that we find tranquility. Let us work on bettering our lives by gaining as much information as possible to balance our lives so that the dream of prosperous life can be a reality.

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