BOOYSENS – Over the week of August 12 to 18 a total of 64 arrests were made. Among these arrests there were seven – assault common, two – business robbery, two – carjacking and four – possession of unlicensed firearm.
Other arrests made:
On August 12 at 19:00 in Winchester Hill the complainant in his white Honda vehicle was robbed at his gate while waiting for the gate to open. An unknown vehicle stopped behind the complainant and as he was waiting for gate to be opened from the house he was robbed. The members of SAPS Booysens were able to make one arrest and the suspect appeared in court for house robbery.
On August 13 at 19:30 in Turffontein, members of Booysens SAPS Vispol stopped a male suspect entering a residential address. They searched him and they found dagga wrapped in a transparent plastic bag in his jacket’s pocket. The suspect was arrested and detained for possession of dagga and has appeared in court.
On August 17 at 20:00 members from the Detective Unit at Booysens SAPS were on duty patrolling the Turffontein area when they noticed a white Mazda 6 parked with four occupants. The driver of the police vehicle was approaching a stop sign when the driver of the other vehicle indicated that the police vehicle must pass the car as well as the stop sign. The members felt that something was not right and they decided to stop and search the vehicle. They then went out, introduced themselves as police and instructed the occupants to get out of the vehicle. The driver of the vehicle then started to reverse his vehicle. One of the SAPS members was able to get their hand into the car and remove the key from the ignition, forcing the vehicle to stop.
The occupant of the vehicle got out. The members started to search the occupants and while searching one of the members noticed that one occupant was very nervous and was trying to move away from the vehicle. One member stopped this person and started to search the suspect. A firearm was found on the suspect, when the member check the firearm it was noticed that the serial number had been filed off and that masking tape had been wrapped around the handle, indicating that the occupants of the vehicle were up to something illegal in the area.
After finding this firearm the member decided to search the vehicle whereupon they found another firearm hidden under the seat. This firearm also had its serial number filed off. A side cutter, a black balaclava and a gate remote control was also found, it was later found out that it was used as a jammer. All four suspects will appear in court shortly, once further investigations have taken place.
For further queries contact Warrant Officer Lorraine van Emmerik, communication officer 011 433 5287 or vanemmerikl@saps.gov.za