Recognise the signs of a stroke
Use this FAST test when testing for signs of a stroke.
Strokes are the fourth biggest natural cause of death in South Africa.
Daily 360 people suffer a stroke and out of those 110 people die and 90 are left with life-changing disabilities.
A stroke is a brain attack and happens when the blood supply to a part of the brain is cut off.
It can be caused by a blockage or a bleed.
Without blood, brain cells can be damaged or die.
This damage can have different effects depending on where it happens in the brain and can affect the body, mobility and speech, as well as how patients think and feel.
The type of disability caused by a stroke depends on the extent of brain damage and what part of the brain is damaged.
Speedy treatment is vital when dealing with a stroke as every minute that treatment is delayed more of the brain is damaged.
The FAST test is an easy way to recognise and remember the signs of stroke.
Using the FAST test involves asking these simple questions:
F – Face – check their face.
Has their mouth drooped?
A – Arms – Can they lift both arms?
S – Speech – Is their speech slurred?
Do they understand you?
T – Time – Time is crucial.
If you see any of these signs, call an ambulance straight away.
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