Joburg south businesses reach out to the elderly
The collection point was at Mall of the South where over R12 000 worth of items were collected by the local community.
RESIDENTS at Swinburne Old Age Home in South Hills received donations from #HelpThyNeighbour team on March 4.
They were overwhelmed with the items received. Each unit received a box of delights that included pasta, noodles, porridge, canned foods to name a few.
Sue Lubbe and Friends joined the #HelpThyNeighbour team from the festive season to collect non-perishable food items to the old age home. The collection point was at Mall of the South where over R12 000 worth of items were collected by the local community.
The #HelpThyNeighbour team was formed in 2018 where local businesses and organisations merged to give back to the community. The team includes Mall of the South, Pam Golding Properties Joburg South, South of Joburg Business and Tourism (SOJO) and Howden Africa.
Joan Arnachellum from Swinburne Old Age Home said, “On behalf of the residents we would like to thank all of you who contributed in helping us receive this. We are truly grateful.”
Mall of the South extended their gratitude to the #HelpThyNeighbour team, Sue Lubbe and a special thanks to the following who also contributed towards to the initiative: Quatro Security and Cleaning services, WD Signs and Dynamic Bridging.
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