From playschool to big school

MAKING the transition from pre-school to a formal school environment is a challenge not only for young children, but parents too. Many children feel anxious about the change and parents may have doubts as to whether their child is ready for the big step, but it is up to parents to ensure their child starts his or her school career with confidence and a solid foundation.

Sorting our new school uniforms and stationery supplies is both a practical and exciting exercise for children and parents. New routines must be planned and meeting the new school teacher and exploring the new school grounds is always a highlight

Teach them that learning new things means they need to keep on trying till they master the challenge to their satisfaction. Parents shouldn’t step in and fix things, but rather guide, encourage and motivate their children to do it themselves.

Help your child manage increased stress levels. Make sure your child gets enough sleep. Children who get a good solid sleep are less likely to be short-tempered and better able to handle school stress.

The first years in a school environment teach children to develop socially and work and play with their peers. Parents can help by encouraging children to include others in their play and to be kind – this also helps the development of their emotional maturity and builds confidence.  Parents can help prepare their child by playing games that involve turns or rules. In this way children can practise how to get along with others and build skills they’ll need later to make friends.

Children can be encouraged to look after themselves by dressing themselves, making sure their suitcases and book bags are packed and be responsible for their belongings.

Children are naturally curious which is important for learning. Encourage this characteristic in your children by talking to them about things, people and places when you are out and about. This also has benefits in that children learn to listen and respond appropriately.

Encourage and nurture a love of reading in your children which is an empowering and necessary new skill for them. Read books and explore the Internet together, looking up things and discovering new worlds through your child’s eyes.

Be aware that the many challenges and new environment are daunting prospects for children to master, so it is best they be eased into their new situation without having to bear any parental expectations which just add unnecessary pressure on youngsters.

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