Thokoza Hostel – dirty and dangerous
The Thokoza Hostel is one of the most dangerous places in the area since the ''war'' between the ANC and IFP during the '80s and '90s and it would seem that things have not changed much since then.
THOKOZA – The fighting between ANC and IFP supporters was called to a halt and, with the peace, residents hoped to have better lives in this area and that they would see some kind of development. But now, in fact, according to many of the residents, who do not want to be named, conditions are far worse.
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This year the government promised to rebuild the hostel, but the people who are living there say they know these are empty promises.
“Through all the years, it has become obvious that government doesn’t really care,” said one of the residents.
”They don’t even bother to come and see the conditions in which we are living, but when the elections are near, they come with promises in order to win votes, then they go back in their fancy cars and we keep on living in the dirt.”
Another resident said her life was threatened when she wanted to report the filthy conditions.
“Some of the people in the hostel said they will kill me, because they own the place and no one will tell them what to do,” she added.
The hostel has become a playground for prostitutes and one told the MAIL that it is not their choice to sell their bodies, but that they are forced to do so because there are no jobs out there and they are starving.
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“Nothing has changed. During weekends we make lots of money because single men come in numbers, and even the married men,” she said.
Whether it is the problem of prostitution, terrible living conditions, unemployment — the fact remains that the Thokoza Hostel is in dire need of some serious work and that the community members are asking for better living conditions and employment.