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Book your place for pregnancy talk

Pregnant women from around Kathorus are invited to a Maternity Open Day hosted by the Clinix Botshelong Empilweni Private Hospital at the hospital grounds in Vosloorus on March 1.

Mandy Mbatha, the hospital marketing manager, said the purpose of the day is to give pregnant women more information about pregnancy.

“They will be taught how to take care of themselves (do’s and don’ts) while pregnant. We want to make women enjoy their pregnancy since pregnancy is such a good thing,” said Mbatha.


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“One of the hospital gynaecologist/obstetricians, Dr Titus Mooketse, will be addressing the main topic of the day – Enjoy Your Pregnancy – while one of the wellness sisters will be talking about the importance of antenatal classes. There will also be a psychologist who will be talking about the effect of post-partum stress. There will also be a speech therapist who will also address women on this important topic,” Mbatha explained.

There will be gifts given away to the first 50 women who book first. Mbatha emphasised they will be strict when handing over the gifts.


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“No booking, no gift,” she says.

A booking can be done by contacting Mbatha on 011 861 6200.

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