
It’s never too late to live your dream!

My definition of risk, is spending most of your time doing something you don't like at the expense of your dreams.

“The bad news is that time flies. The good news is you are the pilot.” – Michael Altshuler

My definition of risk, is spending most of your time doing something you don’t like at the expense of your dreams.

Human beings are the only life form on earth to have the intelligence and the ability to change the course of direction in their lives. If you look at the geese, the birds that mostly fly in a V-formation, they fly south every winter. This is because of the genetic code they have in them. If you were to tell them that the South is very cold this winter and that the conditions are not favourable for them there, they will just look at you and say, “Tough luck we are going there anyhow.”

If the tree is not getting the nutrients and enough water from the soil where it is planted, it will die as it cannot move by itself. Human beings have the intelligence to listen to others and to move from where they are not happy or growing. But most people seem to behave exactly like these other life forms I have just alluded to. You share with them on how to change one’s life by giving them a recipe of how to do it, but they just look at you and say, “Tough, we have suffered already.” They are stuck in situations that are draining and killing them daily instead of moving elsewhere.

Here is a major question, what has got to change in your life for you to live your dream? Write it down and work on it as if your life depends on it. Why? Because it does!

Your dream is calling you!

At Caxton, we employ humans to generate daily fresh news, not AI intervention. Happy reading!
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