
All of us have fear

"Show me someone who doesn't have fear and I'll show you someone who is dead." - Veli Ndaba

How one defines fear makes a whole lot of difference. Entrepreneurs in particular, are known or said not to be scared of taking risks, meaning they have no fear of risk. This is not true, not at all.

Entrepreneurs define risk rather differently. They define it as doing something to please others at the expense of living your dreams.

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Putting your own dreams on hold while focusing your energy on making others live theirs. They take massive action toward their dreams because they know their whole lives depend on them. They don’t waste time entertaining popular dream killers, like complaining, blaming, and criticizing.

They are never satisfied with themselves and with what they have achieved. They keep on pushing forward, saying: “There’s got to be more to life than this, this is not as good as it gets from me.”

So, don’t let people, especially those who never tried or who gave up on their dreams, talk you out of yours. You are unique and have something special within you that no one else has.

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Fight for your dreams as they give your life a meaning, they are the reason why you wake up every morning. So, how do you define fear? Maybe it’s time you define it differently.

Always remember, there was never a statue erected for a loser. You don’t want to reach the end of your life only to discover that you never lived, that you never challenged yourself because you chose what you thought was a safest route.

Do it scared and fail forward, it pays off. You are born to win.

Your dreams are calling you.

At Caxton, we employ humans to generate daily fresh news, not AI intervention. Happy reading!
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