It’s important to realise that it’s not about the price you pay for something but how much it’s costing you not having it. I have two examples that come to mind:
Firstly, say you have a childhood friend or partner whom you have not ditched for sentimental reasons but they are costing you your dreams and fortunes because of their negative mentality towards life.
You keep on saying we have been through a lot together and better the devil you know than the one you don’t know, we just so love that one. While a relationship is costing you your happiness and you are sick of it. That’s what happens with your job too. You complain about it every day but are failing to ask yourself a different quality question that will lead to a different quality answer, and you keep on playing a victim.
Secondly, you don’t invest in yourself. I am talking about your investment in your mind to be a better and valuable human being not your clothing. People don’t invest in themselves claiming it is expensive. They miss out on opportunities, business partners, valuable friends, and ideas that could change their lives and generations. They think they are saving when they are shooting themselves in the foot.
What actually costs you a lot in your life right now is the very thing that you think is important to you. Don’t live your life to please others, you will never win at it no matter what you do. Wake up now and improve the quality of your questions that will influence the quality of your life.