
We used a website to analyse the Mayor’s personality

An IBM development demo claims to give accurate personality profiles using writing samples of at least 100 words.

The IBM Watson Personality Insights service can analyse your personality through a writing sample of more than 100 words.

The website uses a writing sample to scrutinize a person’s cognitive and social characteristics in order to provide insight into one’s needs, values and personality characteristics. The service, which was launched in February this year, is able to infer personality traits about the person who wrote the submitted extract.

Brenda Dietrich, vice-president of the IBM research division, wrote in her blog that, “the service can build a portrait of an individual’s personality, characteristics and how they engage with the world”.

The RECORD used the service to analyse Ekurhuleni Mayor, Mondli Gungubele’s State of the City Address. While the analysis might be more indicative of the speech writer’s personality, we assume that several aspects of the mayor’s motivations are revealed too.

The IBM Watson Personality Insights service found the Mayor to be analytical and rational. It also characterised him as confident, not easily embarrassed and compassionate.

“You are self-controlled and you have control over your desires, which are not particularly intense. You are motivated to seek out experiences that provide a strong feeling of well-being.

“You consider both independence and helping others to guide a large part of what you do. You like to set your own goals and decide how to best achieve them. You think it is important to take care of the people around you.”

Try out the IBM Watson Personality Insights service at here and tell us whether the analysis was accurate for you in the comments below.

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