Renowned anchor assists with Curamus fundraiser

Leanne Manas, host of Morning Live and one of South Africa's top broadcast anchors, had a leadership talk at a recent fundraiser, where all the proceeds went towards helping the school's most vulnerable.

The Curamus School for Autism hosted a fundraiser evening on May 4 for the school where award-winning and well-known anchor Leanne Manas talked about leadership.

The school offers education to students on the autism spectrum and helps them to become integrated members of society. Leanne is the host of Morning Live and one of South Africa’s top broadcast anchors.

The fundraiser saw about 100 people in attendance.

Leanne Manas and Michelle van Zyl with learner Nkazi Mngomezulu.

“A quarter of our learners come from disadvantaged families where the feeding scheme helps them by sending a food packet home on a Friday,” the principal of the school, Michelle van Zyl, said.

Leanne Manas and Michelle van Zyl at the Curamus School for Autism.

She said the staff put everything together for the fundraiser, with a lot of effort, including the décor, food and drinks. There was also a competition where you could buy tickets to win prizes, where the money also went towards the school.

One of those in attendance, Luleka Radebe, added she was there to help raise funds and learn about leadership skills.

The crowd listens to a talk by Leanne Manas.

Leanne spoke about leading during dark times and about the leadership lessons she discovered in the unlikeliest of places.

“These were mostly things I learnt from refugees, in refugee camps, and the lessons they taught me,” Leanne concluded.

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