Raising the standards despite the challenges of last year

MBOMBELA - It is not over until it is over. Sometimes we cannot wait for something to be over - done with - completed!

The award-winning NPO, Partners for Possibility (PfP), that establishes partnerships between business leaders and school principals, does not recognise impossibilities. The fact that the Kruger Legacy Circle in Mbombela successfully concluded its year of active engagement despite having to revert to Zoom and other platforms for meetings and interactions because of Covid-19, once again proved the tenacity and dedication of all involved with the 2020/21 year.

At the closing ceremony of this circle, the learning programme facilitator, Mel Tomlinson, expressed her gratitude for the achievements of the past year. “School libraries were established and literacy and reading skills were enhanced through various methodologies. The latter was also opened to the communities near the schools. The initial test for competence has been boosted with most schools now using Facebook and social media platforms for communication and keeping the communities and parents up to date with the latest school news. Infrastructure has been improved through various projects, and the benefits of these relationships and the lessons learned will reverberate well into the future of these schools, learners and principals.”

For Annemarie Swanepoel who partnered with Refilwe Ngwenya, the principal of Boschrand Primary, the experience was an eye-opener. “Most people have no clue of what is happening in the rural areas or the schools. I was totally stunned when I saw and learned about how these rural principals have to improvise – daily – to make things happen. Although there are similar challenges at every rural school, it often requires different solutions. “Also, on a more personal level, the various training modalities we are exposed to during this programme have proved invaluable in their application. I must compliment the principals; they applied and implemented what we learned and the results and improvements in the schools are evident and most rewarding.”

Refilwe Ngwenya said, “The past year, given Covid-19, was ntense. We moved into a new school facility with 24 classes. The PfP programme has taught us so much. It opened our minds, taught us to explore methodologies we thought not possible and taught us about community building and consultation. As I started to implement new methodologies and ideas, my perception of ‘possibility’ exploded, my confidence grew and my leadership skills improved in leaps and bounds. I realised our environment does not define us. We can rise above the challenges – we did in 2020/21 and we will continue to rise. There is a new commitment from all involved; the teachers, the SGB and parents have become active school citizens. It is just amazing; with the help of PfP we are changing the face of education!”

PfP inspires teachers, learners, parents, principals and business leaders to challenge and change the status quo with consistent and proven methodologies which impact education on levels we may only be able to measure in the future.

Within the PfP-partnered schools, progress and innovation are never over and done with!

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