DIY Because you can!!!
If you have often knocked your car door once you’ve parked in your garage or struggled to remember which keys open which door, amongst many other things, here are eight ideas to help you out:
If you need to remove a stripped nail when the screwdriver can no longer grip on the nail to unscrew it, use a rubber band. Simply place a portion of the band over the nail before using the screwdriver again. The rubber will help the screwdriver to grip and unscrew the nail
If you are prone to accidently knocking your car door on the wall when you park in your garage get an old pool noodle and slice it in half from the top to the bottom. You should be left with a long cylindrical shape with one flat side. Determine at what height your car door touches the wall and glue the noodle horizontally at the corresponding height. This way, if you park too closely to the wall, your car door will safely open against the noodle.
You want iced water on the go without having to wait for the ice to thaw first? Fill your plastic water bottle only a quarter of the way. Place it in the freezer by laying it on its side and leave overnight. In the morning, you should be able to fill the empty half of the bottle with water and have ice cold water to go
If you need to clean a stubbornly dirty microwave, fill a bowl with water and microwave it for two to three minutes. The steam will loosen any dried up food bits for easy cleaning. You could even add some slices of lemon. Be careful when removing the hot water bowl and remember to use a cloth or oven mitts
Collect the plastic bread tags that you find on your loaves of bread to use as tags. You can write on them with a permanent marker and hook them on the various cords of your gadgets to keep wires organised
If you don’t want to spend money on key labels, paint the ends of your door keys with different shades of nail polish that match your doors. This way, you will spot the correct key faster. It also saves the space on your key rings that key labels would’ve taken up
If you don’t want to spend money on key labels, paint the ends of your door keys with different shades of nail polish that match your doors. This way, you will spot the correct key faster. It also saves the space on your key rings that key labels would’ve taken up
Use an old milk bottle as a cheap alternative to a watering can. Clean the bottle thoroughly and poke holes into the lid. Fill with water, close the lid and water away. You can even paint flowers on the bottle to give it a cute garden look.