Solve-it Squad brought to you by:


Conquer the boredom and enjoy solving puzzles for hours.

Each month we’ll upload new activities for you to enjoy.

So, go on and have fun.

To download the puzzles: Click on image. Once  image opens, right click and save as. (This makes the file printable for home use.)

How to make a paper airplane

Need a menu from Mochachos?

Create and grow a grass pet hedgehog.

9 DIY plant projects for your kids.

Best out-of-waste ideas.

• 1 cup salt
• 1 cup flour
• 1 cup cold water
• Food colouring

• Blend flour and salt together in a large bowl.
• Add in cold water and mix until smooth
• Add food colouring and mix.
• Increase food colouring until desired colour is reached.
• Use a funnel to pour paint into squeezable bottle.
• Shake before use.

It’s time to create a substance that would blow Einstein’s mind! Defying the laws of physics, this extraordinary goop is the easiest and most exciting experiment that children of all ages have enjoyed creating for many years. With just a few basic ingredients this creation can make any rainy or boring day come to life. Is it a liquid or is it a solid? I guess it’s time to find out…

You will need:

  • 1 bowl
  • 1 spoon
  • Food coloring of any color
  • 1 cup of cornstarch
  • 1/3 cup of water
  • 1 cup measuring cup
  • 1/3 cup measuring cup
  • 1 zip lock bag
  • Clean, flat working surface that can get a little messy
* Note: The brand of cornstarch and food coloring is not important to the end result.

Make your own sand slime.

14 easy crafts for kids to make at home.

 No-cook playdough recipe.  

Every toddler loves squishing playdough, but have you ever tried making it with them? This recipe is so simple. The mixture doesn’t need cooking or boiling water added, which is great as hot playdough can scald little hands (in case he gets his eager mitts on it before it’s cooled). This is a totally safe one for your toddler to make, the only thing better than playdough to a toddler is making it. Take this activity outside as toddler-made playdough has to be the definition of messy fun!


• 2 cups plain flour • 1 cup salt • 1 cup cold water • 1 tbs oil • liquid food colouring


  • Step 1: In a large bowl, add the flour and salt. Stir.
  • Step 2: Add the water, oil, drops of food colouring (add as many drops as you like to get the desired hue)
  • Step 3: Knead the mixture until it has a playdough consistency (you may need to help with this bit to ensure it’s well-kneaded).
  • Tip! If consistency is too wet, add a little more plain flour.

Have fun making different coloured batches!

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