Clubs and organizations
Childline: 08000 55 555
GRIP: 013 752 4404
Mpumalanga Performing Arts Lab: 078 524 0306
Arts and culture groups
Maqhawe theatre group 072 286 3164
Mlilo cultural dance group 013 796 0331
SPCA: 013 753 3582 / 082 755 8687
Alcoholic Anonymous (Barberton): 076 130 7585
National Association of People Living with Aids (Nelspruit): 073 384 0888
SANCA (Lowveld): 013 752 4376
Nicro (Lowveld): 013 755 3540
South African Blood Services: 0800 11 90 31
Afro Café (Barberton): 072 433 7866
Edamini lodge (Nelspruit): 072 179 8255
Ground Zero (Matsulu): 013 744 3656/ 072 2044
Endumbeni (Kanyamazane): 082 687 6369
Sports centers and clubs
Emhlangeni sports academy 082 227 8828
Siyathuthuka academy 072 6241 475
Sakkies sport centre 082 536 8574
Thuluzobona 079 044 0219
Phola park 083 624 5393
Phelandaba 079 6788 790
JVM stars 083 3537 269
Golden eagle 072 4965 625
Ntsikazi stars 079 283 9144
Square city
Restaurants (Shisa Nyama and Pubs)
KFC 013 796 0956
Debonairs 013 796 0093
Shesa Nyama 013 796
Galitos 013 796 1686
Gordon bar 083 6296 883
Emazweni Park 071 5016 522
Community help centers
Phaphamani home based care centre 013 796 9121
Moses Sihlangu health care centre 013 796 1437
Phakamani foundation 013 750 0412
Mbombela talk 079 261 2071 /072 8190 645