Breastfeeding in the workplace: What new moms should know

Don’t assume that you won’t be able to continue breastfeeding after your maternity leave, as there are certain legal rights in place to help make it possible. 

Breastfeeding or pumping milk during the day while you’re at work can mean facing a host of challenges, which unfortunately often leads to moms deciding to give up breastfeeding earlier than recommended. 

In a perfect world, a newborn requires exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of its life for optimal growth and development and continued breastfeeding, combined with solid foods, for two years or longer. Working mothers returning to jobs and careers following their maternity leave period will face the challenges of juggling work and home responsibilities. 

If you are concerned about breastfeeding or pumping at work, it’s best to start by knowing what you are allowed to do, from a legal standpoint.

Know your rights: South Africa’s Basic Conditions of Employment Act states, that the legal rights of breastfeeding mothers in the workplace are as follows: 


While South Africa has legal rights in place for breastfeeding mothers in the workplace, they may, unfortunately, face the following challenges in trying to exercise these rights: 

For more tips on breastfeeding in the workplace, visit Vital Baby.


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