The ultimate essential beach checklist

Nothing says December holidays in South Africa like packing up the car and heading to the beach for some well-deserved R&R.

“The roads to the coast are always busy this time of year, but once you smell the sea air the stress from the trip and perhaps even from the entire year melt away and a restful holiday is in sight,” comments Mario Correia, brand manager for Everysun.

He continues to point out that although you are on holiday, planning for a day at the beach is needed and it shouldn’t be taken for granted that you have everything you need without checking first.

Correia has compiled the ideal list to tick-off when heading to the beach:

Image provided by Everysun

With the right essentials, you can turn your beach day into a memorable and enjoyable experience. From sun protection to comfort and entertainment, careful packing ensures you’re ready to make the most of your time by the sea. Go, grab your beach essentials, hit the shore, and savour the sun, sand, and surf.


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