Wake Up, This Is Joburg

Exceptional images by photographer Mark Lewis, with stories told by urban planner Tanya Zack … this is a gritty, creative, compelling look at the Joburg many of us who live here know nothing about

Inner city Joburg. Food stands selling vetkoek in taxi ranks. Informal butchers chopping up s’kop – cow’s heads – in a disused parking lot.

Dozens of people sharing one bedroom. Long abandoned gold pits where zama zamas continue to mine informally. Wake Up, This Is Joburg takes a look at the people – their private and work lives – and the extraordinary spaces of the real Joburg.

Exceptional images by photographer Mark Lewis, with stories told by urban planner Tanya Zack … this is a gritty, creative, compelling look at the Joburg many of us who live here know nothing about! R675 from Exclusive Books


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