Wholesome food, wholesome thoughts, wholesome body

Why all three are necessary

In our fast-paced modern world, the pursuit of wellness has become a cornerstone of daily life. But what does it truly mean to be well? Is it merely the absence of illness, or does it encompass a deeper, more holistic approach to life? At the heart of genuine wellness lies the triumvirate of Wholesome Food, Wholesome Thoughts, and Wholesome Body. Nicole Sherwin, founder of Eco Diva Natural Superfood Skincare, delves into why all three are indispensable pillars of a truly fulfilling existence. 

Wholesome food: Fuelling the body, nurturing the soul

Wholesome food forms the cornerstone of our physical health. Beyond mere sustenance, it fuels our bodies with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals necessary for optimal functioning. But its significance transcends the realm of mere physical nourishment. Wholesome food carries with it the power to nurture our souls, fostering a profound connection to the earth and its bounty.

The journey towards embracing wholesome food begins with a shift in mindset. It’s about cultivating a deep appreciation for the origins of our sustenance, honouring the labour of organic farmers, and respecting the intricate web of life that sustains us. By opting for whole, unprocessed foods rich in nutrients and devoid of artificial additives, we not only fortify our bodies but also honour the sanctity of nature’s gifts.

Tips for embracing wholesome food:


Wholesome thoughts: Cultivating inner harmony

Just as the body requires nourishment, so too does the mind crave sustenance. Wholesome thoughts form the bedrock of mental and emotional well-being, shaping our perceptions, attitudes, and responses to the world around us. In a society inundated with negativity and noise, fostering a mindset of positivity, resilience, and mindfulness is paramount.

Cultivating wholesome thoughts begins with a conscious effort to cultivate self-awareness and compassion. It involves tuning out the cacophony of negativity that pervades our daily lives and instead focusing on gratitude, kindness, and acceptance. By nourishing our minds with uplifting thoughts and nurturing our inner landscape with practices such as meditation, journaling, and mindfulness, we pave the way for greater clarity, resilience, and emotional equilibrium.

Tips for cultivating wholesome thoughts:


Wholesome body: Balancing strength and serenity

A wholesome body is one that thrives in balance – strong, resilient, and attuned to the rhythms of life. It encompasses not only physical fitness but also emotional well-being, spiritual fulfilment, and a sense of connection to the world around us. Cultivating a wholesome body requires a multifaceted approach that prioritises movement, rest, nourishment, and self-care.

At its core, nurturing a wholesome body is about honouring the intricate interplay between mind, body, and spirit. It involves listening to the cues of our bodies, prioritising rest and recovery, and engaging in activities that bring us joy and vitality. Whether it’s through yoga, strength training, dance, or simply immersing ourselves in nature, finding activities that nourish our bodies and souls is key to achieving holistic wellness.

Tips for nurturing a wholesome body:

Image supplied by Eco Diva

Wholesome food, wholesome thoughts, and wholesome body are not disparate elements but interconnected facets of a rich tapestry of wellness. By nurturing each aspect with care and intention, we pave the way for a life of vitality, resilience, and joy. May we embrace the journey towards wholeness with open hearts and minds, honouring the profound interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit in our quest for true well-being.


For more information visit Eco Diva.


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