4 common myths about weight gain during pregnancy

Concerned about all the stories of weight gain during pregnancy? We’ve got the facts and myths right here.

Hormonal shifts, weight gain, bloating, mood swings, swollen feet, back pain, morning sickness and skin changes – being pregnant can come with a host of changes that can make some women feel helpless and overwhelmed.

The best way to deal with all of these changes, is to educate yourself about what is happening to your bod.

When it comes to weight gain, there are loads of myths about how much you should or shouldn’t gain. Here are some of the most common phrases you’ve probably heard…and the truth about them: 

  1. Fact: Pregnancy makes you hungrier. Pregnancy hormones often lead to an increased appetite; this is a natural body indicator for more fuel as you use more energy to grow a new person. Having more significant portions is normal.
  2. Myth: You need to eat for two. There’s no need to eat for two. Only in your third trimester do you need about 200 extra calories per day. Focus on a balanced diet and quality nutrition, which will satisfy you more.
  3. Myth: You should gain a kilogram a month throughout pregnancy. Weight gain in pregnancy doesn’t happen evenly; most pregnancy weight happens after 20 weeks, and the recommended weight gain during pregnancy varies based on your pre-pregnancy weight and body mass index (BMI). On average, expect to gain 1 to 1.5 kilograms in the first three months (more if expecting twins) and 1.5 to 2 kilograms each month until delivery.   
  4. Myth: Excessive weight gain is fine. Too much weight gain puts you at risk for gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. Aim for 11 to 16 kilograms (more for twins) if you are of average weight and height. 


For more information, connect with expert midwife Sr Londe online, Vital Baby’s trusted advisor who provides advice through monthly Instagram Live videos for new mums and mums-to-be, answering your specific questions during the sessions.


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