Is your child ready for Big School?

Parents are often unsure if their children are ready to enter school or not. Here are some questions to ask to determine how ready your child is for primary school.

Photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash


  1. Can your child listen and follow instructions?
  2. Can your child sit still?
  3. Can your child tolerate frustration and not getting his/her own way?
  4. Can your child accept and follow rules?
  5. Can your child hold a pencil and draw simple drawings?
  6. Can your child cut with scissors and paste things?
  7. Can your child write his or her name?
  8. Can your child copy basic shapes?
  9. Does your child know the alphabet?
  10. Can your child count at least to 20?
  11. Can your child recognise shapes and colours?
  12. Does your child separate from you easily?
  13. Can your child dress independently and pack a bag?
  14. Does your child know to ask for help?
  15. Can your child ask to go to the bathroom?
  16. Can your child go to the bathroom independently and wash his/her hands?
  17. Can your child play with other children?
  18. Does your child smile at possible new friends?
  19. Can your child play and take turns with other children?
  20. Can your child talk with other children and adults?
  21. Can your child walk, run and climb easily?
  22. Can your child skip and balance on one leg?
  23. Can your child go without a midday rest?

A school readiness assessment by an educational and developmental psychologist can be valuable to assist a parent make an informed decision to apply for an extension of school admission, should their child be of compulsory school going age, but not yet fully school ready. Source: /

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