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Tips from Beagle Watch Armed Response
Moving house? Do not drop your (security) guard
When moving house, please do not drop your guard regarding safety and security. This is the advice from Beagle Watch Armed Response.
Do not cancel home insurance or private security Do not cancel your insurance or security before all the official paperwork and final transfers have been completed.
“Clients are often tempted to cancel their home insurance and private security when they receive the good news that their home has been sold. However, it can still take a few weeks before the transfer of ownership is finalised,” warns André Aiton, Managing Director, Beagle Watch Armed Response.
“This means that, as the owner, you are still responsible for the property and would be liable for the cost of any accidental or other damages.”
Generally, it is also safer to delay giving the new owners access to the property until the transfer has been registered in the Deeds Office.
For more information, call the Beagle Watch Call Centre on 011 678 1972 or email
Security systems 101
A few basic checks in and around the home and a rudimentary knowledge of your security system are some of the first steps towards ensuring your family’s safety at home. Beagle Watch Armed Response offers some pointers.
ELECTRIC FENCING: What to look out for
- Electric fencing strands can be pushed out of place or apart so that someone can squeeze through undetected.
What you can do
- Installing in-line loops or earth loops is a quick and cost-effective way of securing your electric fence.
Other tips
- Always switch off the fence before checking it.
- Cut back shrubs and prune trees, as foliage touching the electric fence wires can cause short-circuits and reduce its effectiveness.
- Remove any dead insects or other debris inside electric fencing insulators that could ground the wire.
- Check the fence’s insulators regularly for signs of damage or perishing. Damaged insulators can lead to a short-circuit.
For more information, call the Beagle Watch Call Centre on 011 678 1972 or email
Prevent your home from being targeted while you’re on holiday
Very few homes are truly lock-up-and-go and most require some planning when going away − even only for a few days. Beagle Watch Armed Response offers advice.
Check your security systems well in advance
- Make sure your CCTV cameras are working and that you are able to log-in remotely for regular checks on your property while you are away.
- Check that your electric fence works well and cut back any plants or trees that may interfere with the fence.
- Test outside beams and replace batteries, where applicable.
- Test your alarm system to ensure your provider’s
- Call Centre is receiving signals from your premises.
Other tips
- Inform your security provider that you are going away and who will be on the property while you aren’t there.
- Add time switches to outside lights and invest in solar lighting.
- Cancel any newspaper deliveries.
- Pack the car out of sight from the street.
For more information, call the Beagle Watch Call Centre on 011 678 1972 or email
Please safeguard your pets by microchipping them
For most pet owners, the thought of a beloved dog or cat going missing is truly frightening. The only thing worse is the possibility that you may never see them again. Fortunately, pet microchipping is an easy and effective way to increase the chances of reuniting with your missing pet.
As we care for all members of the family, Beagle Watch continues to sponsor and present microchipping events.
Our next event is at Deltapark School:
Saturday, 18 March 2023
Deltapark School, Standard Drive,
10:00 – 14:00
Scan the QR code for more info or to book your pets’ spot.
For more information, call the Beagle Watch Call Centre on 011 678 1972 or email
Don’t be fooled by bogus officials or scammers
City Power Johannesburg has warned residents to be aware of two criminal trends.
- Email scammers pretending to be debt collectors: A number of customers have reported receiving threatening emails from a fraudulent debt collection company called Hlaketa Revenue Enhancement Systems. Please do not make any payment to this or any other company before first verifying with City Power.
- Criminals are also doing the rounds pretending to be City Power employees to gain access to properties. They give various reasons to convince residents to let them in and then rob them.
- City Power employees all carry identification cards with their Verification ID. Kindly call the number on the back of the card verify if the person is a legitimate employee.
- When in doubt, ask your private security company to assist.
- Please brief domestic staff accordingly.
ICE: Will the first responders be able to identify you?
Most of us spend a lot of time and effort ensuring our pets are identifiable in case of an emergency. But do we do the same for ourselves? Will emergency services be able to identify you if you are involved in a serious accident or incident? Beagle Watch shares a few basic pointers:
- Set up a Medical ID on your phone and ensure that it is set so that it can be shared even if the screen is locked.
- Store a few numbers on your phone with the letters ICE (in case of emergencies) added to the name so that those contacts are easily identifiable as emergency contacts.
- If you do not already have one, invest in a wrist band or medical alert bracelet that will have a unique number, contact information and important medical information for emergencies.
- Get a keyholder with your personal and medical details to keep on your car keys.
- Keep all your important details in your handbag, purse or wallet. This would be things like your ID, medical aid card and any important medical information (allergies, chronic conditions and medication, etc.) to be noted when treating you.
Be safe and keep your valuables out of sight
When out shopping, walking, jogging or in a restaurant or a coffee shop, keep your mobile phone out of sight. This is the advice from Beagle Watch Armed Response, Managing Director, André Aiton.
- Muggings, common robberies and cell phone theft are a reality.
- Do not walk and talk on your phone – phones are snatched from pedestrians daily.
- Always be aware of your surroundings and do not listen use your earphones while walking, running or cycling.
- When in a restaurant, keep your phone out of sight – not on the table.
- Do not leave valuables in your vehicle anywhere – even when your vehicle is parked in your driveway.
- Kindly caution domestic staff to be alert and extra careful while out and about.
Summer pool safety
While a pool can be great fun, particularly for children, it also brings about a huge safety responsibility. Beagle Watch offers the following tips that can prevent a tragedy.
- Never leave a child unattended near water. The same holds true for pets, especially puppies and elderly dogs.
- Ensure that you have adequate pool fencing and that the gate is closed and latched at all times.
- Ensure that you have a suitable safety net installed and that it is always securely fitted.
- If possible, install a pool net alarm and test it regularly.
- When cleaning the pool, please do not leave the pool uncovered or unattended. An accident can happen in a split-second.
- Know who to call in case of an emergency. All Beagle Watch clients have access to priority emergency medical treatment through Netcare 911.
Bring your pet for microchipping at the Beagle Watch FAMILY OPEN DAY on 4 February 2023 – all welcome!
Over the Festive Season, the importance of microchipping pets was again highlighted. Our team dealt with more than 40 lost pets in our Animal Safe Zone over December alone, and the high number of missing – and stolen – pets has continued unabated in January.
Identification and traceability are important parts of responsible pet ownership. A microchip provides permanent identification for your pet and gives them the best chance of being reunited with you, should they happen to go missing.
This is the reason why Beagle Watch highly subsidises the cost of microchipping for its clients.
Microchip your pet for only R120 per pet for Beagle Watch clients (highly subsidised by Beagle Watch). R170 for non-clients. Every dog microchipped on the day will receive a voucher for a FREE wash and fluff.
Date: Saturday, 4 February 2023
Time: 11:00 – 15:00
Venue: Beagle Watch Armed Response, 190 Smit Street, Fairland
Scan the QR code for more information.
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* Map supplied by Eblockwatch, incidents are reported by members of the community and some may not necessarily have been verified by SAPS as of yet.
Crimes committed in the Northcliff/Melville area
Disclaimer – These numbers are calculated using the total reported cases at the following police stations: Fairland, Sophiatown, Brixton, Linden and Parkview.
National crime stats
Source: SAPS Crime Statistics 2019/2020