The King’s School Robin Hill

The King’s School Robin Hills celebrates the tenacity of the Matric Class of 2021
There is no doubt that the Covid-19 pandemic has placed immense pressure on many areas of society. For the past two years, life as we know it has been turned upside down. Despite all the unknowns, we are incredibly proud of our Matric Class of 2021 who have endured many challenges to get to where they are today. Having spent both their Gr11 and 12 years moving in and out of the online space, navigating school with many disruptions and with some facing other added external pressures within the home, we can truly say that this group has had to dig deep mentally and emotionally to pull themselves through. And they did it! In the words of Booker T. Washington, “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.” It is with this quote in mind that we express our sincere admiration for this entire group, whose success is not only measured by their symbols and percentages, but also in their persistence in overcoming so many things that were outside of their control. Following the release of the Matric results, The King’s School Robin Hills is elated to celebrate another 100% pass rate. The group was triumphant in their final examinations and leave behind a strong legacy of excellence that the school is known for and proud of, since the first Matric group that started in 1987. CEO, Mr Mike Marais and Principal of the High School, Mrs Gerda Buys, applaud all the learners, who, along with their dedicated teachers and devoted parents, showed great commitment to finishing strong.
Among the 45 Matric learners, 69 A’s, 100 B’s and 64 C’s were achieved with 5 learners achieving ‘A’ aggregates and 16 learners achieving ‘B’ aggregates. We honour the following learners for their outstanding achievements: • Achieving an ‘A’ aggregate and 7 distinAActions, we commend Marit Fourie • Achieving an ‘A’ aggregate and 6 distinctions, we praise Jessica Ngwenya • Achieving an ‘A’ aggregate and 5 distinctions Awe commend Dylan Gordon and AAmahle Gwala • Achieving an ‘A’ aggregate and 4 distinctions we commend Sipho Joja • Achieving a ‘B’ aggregate and 4 distinctions, we honour Chloë Bartley • Achieving a ‘B’ aggregate and 3 distinctions, we honour Keone Govender and Unathi Ngongoma • Jessica Ngwenya achieved in the Top 1% of the IEB in Business Studies.
As a school that has kept God at the centre of our education for the last 38 years, we honour Him for each learner for each learner who has graced our school, as well as the exemplary legacy that they leave behind. Thank you to the IEB for their ongoing support and commitment to maintaining high standards in education.