RTI to investigate dodgy stretch of road between Vryheid and Paulpiet.

It was reported that repairs had started on a section of the road and had just never been completed.

THERE is a stretch of road between Vryheid and Paulpietersburg that begs the question, “Well, where are we supposed to drive?”

It was reported that repairs had started on a section of the road and had just never been completed. A recent Facebook post brought the troubling matter to light and community members who travel along this road shared the same sentiments, “It just seems like nothing is being done about it…”

ALSO READ: TRAFFIC ALERT (VIDEO): Heavy rain creates massive potholes

Acting Chief Provincial Inspector for the Road Traffic Inspectorate, Nkanyiso Ndlazi reports that, while he has not received any reports of fatalities or accidents in the area, he will definitely be investigating the matter and will report back to us by the tine of publication of the next Vryheid Herald.

Do you travel along this road on a regular basis? Have you had a harrowing experience with a precariously placed pothole or had to play dodge ’ems due to a dangerous and dodgy stretch of road?

ALSO READ: WATCH: Potholes in President Street

Tell us about it by emailing editorialvhd@caxton.co.za or via whatsapp on 079 256 7570.

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