Fathers and sons enjoy unique breakfast of fellowship and building new relationships

Building on special family ties

Special relationships were restored and the special bond between father and son re-newed at the first-ever father and son breakfast hosted by the House of Anointing Ministries, Glencoe, on Saturday morning.

Pastor Ash Goolam and his son, Nadem, brought messages of the importance of men re-establishing their roles as head of their families and their need to take responsibility for bringing up their children.

There was also a unique team building exercise which saw fathers and sons having to work together to build a bird feeder out of plastic bottles, plastic plates, string, glue and bird seed.  There was also a delicious breakfast served by the ladies of the church.  Hopes are that this will be an annual event.

Watch video of Pastor Ash and the fathers and sons worshiping in the Glencoe Town Hall during the breakfast.

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