Sharonlea racer competes at the Red Star raceway

Kernic thanks everyone involved for making this opportunity happen and to everyone who has been supporting him.

Sharonlea-based Michael Kernic raced in the Silver Cup 2.0 category at Red Star raceway with the Lil Nash (Class C+) car, beating bigger and more powerful cars (classes B and C) and managing a brilliant fourth-place finish in the last race.

Kernic said that, after a decent warm-up with the new gear system working like a dream and sorting of a slight misfire, qualifying came and the car was working well, managed to qualify sixth which was perfect.

“Race one came and I messed the start-up dropping back down the field and I began working my way up. I caught the Tata Spaceframe and we had a great dice all race long. We were side by side around corners at times; it was mega and in the end, I finished sixth just beating Tata to the line.”

On race two he started in sixth and had a lonely and quiet race finishing again in sixth position.

Kernic had a good start in the final race; he went into turn one and managed to get into fourth place. However, on lap two they were on his tail and got past. After some laps, he was able to catch up and ended up having a great dice going side by side and racing close and clean.

“We started the last lap and I thought it would be great to finish up there in third place. The thought of finishing third overall in the Lil Nash was exciting, but I ended up in fourth place overall and first with Class C car.
“I am super happy especially with only having the more powerful cars in front. What a great race and top result. I couldn’t have asked for better; I’m really happy I could get the fourth-place finish.”

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