Bio – Osama Shamout

Student Bio


Distinctions Mathematics

Business Studies


Computer Application Technology


Do you have any school achievements that we can highlight?


Please elaborate on your school achievements.


Student Leader

Full Colors for Academics

What are your plans for 2019?


Future Plans Study (please specify):


BSC in Engineering
Future Plans Gap year (please specify):


Future Plans. Work (please specify):


Future Plans. Other (please specify):


National University. Where will you be studying?


Tuks or United States
Degree Choice. National. What degree / course will you be studying?


Reason for Degree. National. Why did you choose this particular course?


Passion for the degree
Foreign University. Where will you be applying to study?


United States
Degree Choice. Foreign. What degree / course will you be applying to study?


BSC in Engineering
Reason for Degree. Foreign. Why did you choose this particular course?


Passion and interest in the degree
Result Location. Will you be in South Africa when your final results are released?






Interests. What are your interests and hobbies?




PS4 Fifa

Inspiration. Who inspires you most? Why?


Cristiano Ronaldo as he is a very dedicated player and a true legend in the sport.
Motto. Is there a motto / quote that you live by?


What does not kill you, only makes you stronger.
Dreams and aspirations. Do you have any dreams for your future that you would like to share with us?


I would like to become a successful engineer and travel the world. I would also love to play soccer as it has always been a passion of mine ever since i was a kid.
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