Petrol price cuts expected in June

Mid-month data published by the Central Energy Fund show that from Wednesday, 5 June petrol prices are dropping. Here is the latest.

Mid-month data published by the Central Energy Fund show that from Wednesday, 5 June, fuel prices could be down by as much as 77 cents a litre.

Data show petrol prices dropping down by a minimum of 61c a litre and diesel by 74c per litre, due to favourable market conditions.

Domestic fuel cost is primarily determined by the rand/dollar exchange rate and international oil prices.

In South Africa, the fuel price is adjusted on the first Wednesday of every month, based on these two factors.

The potential adjustments come against the backdrop of a reduction in international petroleum product prices and a strengthening rand/US dollar exchange rate.

Fuel prices in South Africa in June are anticipated to be adjusted as follows:

Petrol 93 – Decrease of 63c a litre
Petrol 95 – Decrease of 61c a litre
Diesel 0.05% – Decrease of 74c a litre
Diesel 0.005% – Decrease of 77c a litre
Illuminating paraffin – decrease of 69c a litre

The official figures announced by the Department of Energy next month may differ as it takes into account any potential change to taxes, transport cost, as well as wholesale and retail margins.

MasterDrive CEO Eugene Herbert said that as we head into the colder months and potentially much higher petrol prices, we must look at how to make petrol last longer. 

Ensure you reduce the effect winter can have on your petrol consumption in the following ways:

ALSO READ: Warning: Spiking hotspots now on main routes

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