Man sentenced 20 years for rape of teen

Justice prevails in Temba after a man was convicted to 20 years behind bars for raping a 14-year-old girl.

A 36-year-old man from Stinkwater has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for the rape of a 14-year-old girl and possession of a firearm.

Elvis Kabelo Makhomisane was convicted by Moretele Magistrate’s Court on May 14.

According to Warrant Officer Van Dyk, the incident occurred on February 11, 2019 when the victim was attacked and raped in her home by Makhomisane and his accomplice.

Van Dyk said the victim was alone in the house when the incident happened and her room was dark due to a power outage.

“Makhomisane forcefully raped the victim while the accomplice held her at gunpoint. She was saved by the neighbour’s vehicle alarm,” said Van Dyk.

He said both suspects fled the scene but the victim was able to identify Makhomisane, who was later linked to the crime through DNA evidence.

Detective Constable Sandra Sebueng Sebidi who was in charge of the case Image: Supplied

Van Dyk added that the victim reported the matter to her aunt, who then called community members and police.

“They recovered the firearm and the suspect was arrested, even though the firearm happened to be a toy,” said Van Dyk.

“The case was assigned to Detective Constable Sandra Sebueng Sibidi of Temba Family Violence, Child protection and Sexual offence Unit (FCS).”

He said Makhomisane was sentenced to 20 years for rape and five years for possession of a firearm, with both sentences running concurrently.

Van Dyk said Temba station commander Brigadier Johannes Tau welcomed the conviction.

“Members showed dedication and hard at work to remove perpetrators from the society and the stigma of GBV around Temba,” said Tau.

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