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Good turn out on last registration weekend

During the second voter registration drive on the week end, prospective voters in the municipal elections of 3 August took the last opportunity to verify their details or to register at voting stations in the province. According to Motsiri Ramafalo, Communications Officer of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in Limpopo, minor incidents of disruption occurred. …

During the second voter registration drive on the week end, prospective voters in the municipal elections of 3 August took the last opportunity to verify their details or to register at voting stations in the province.
According to Motsiri Ramafalo, Communications Officer of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in Limpopo, minor incidents of disruption occurred. “In Vuwani minor disruptions were experienced but it was contained by the security forces and officials of the IEC and registrations could proceed. Minor challenges were also experienced in Mookgophong, Tubatse and Mogalakwena but were addressed and resolved efficiently.”

Prospective voter Sarah Tlakula is assisted by Moloko Letshokgohla, Registration Supervisor, at Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos.
Prospective voter Sarah Tlakula is assisted by Moloko Letshokgohla, Registration Supervisor, at Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos.

In Limpopo 337 672 voters registered of which 65 744 were new voters. A total of 87 943 voters from different districts re-registered and 183 985 voters re-registered in the same voting district. Limpopo’s registration activity represents 9,43% of the national figure. Of the total new registrations 3 600 were in the 16 to 17 age group, 14 438 in the 18 to 19 age group and 35 921 in the 20 to 29 age group. In the 30 to 40 age group, 5 999 new registrations were recorded while in the 40 to 50 age group 1 848 voters registered. In the 50 to 60 age group 1 479 voters registered for the first time and in the over-sixties category 2 459 registrations took place. During the two registration weekends, a total of 630 171 Limpopo voters registered, of which 126 622 were new voters. Further registrations and updates of details will still be accepted at IEC offices until a date to be announced.


Featured photo: Provincial Electoral Officer Nkaro Mateta, Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs MEC Makoma Makhurupetje and Chairperson of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) Glen Mashinini at a media briefing in Polokwane before the final weekend for registration of voters.

Maria Moshia awaits her turn to register at Dorothy Langa Primary School in Seshego.
Maria Moshia awaits her turn to register at Dorothy Langa Primary School in Seshego.
IEC Registration Officer Fumani Mathonsi assists Elsa du Buisson and Mia Cigana with their voters’ registration queries at Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé while young Bernard Cigana learns all about voter registration.
IEC Registration Officer Fumani Mathonsi assists Elsa du Buisson and Mia Cigana with their voters’ registration queries at Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé while young Bernard Cigana learns all about voter registration.
Jacobus Liddle and Meisie Nortjé verify their voter registration details at Laerskool Ivy Park. Assisting them are Registration Officers Ridley Sebaka and Lukie Sekowe.
Jacobus Liddle and Meisie Nortjé verify their voter registration details at Laerskool Ivy Park. Assisting them are Registration Officers Ridley Sebaka and Lukie Sekowe.
Sharon Kgosana, centre, is assisted by Phuti Matlala, Registration Officer and Hosea Mashao, Registration Supervisor at Flora Park Comprehensive High School.
Sharon Kgosana, centre, is assisted by Phuti Matlala, Registration Officer and Hosea Mashao, Registration Supervisor at Flora Park Comprehensive High School.

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