Developmental Debate League launched at Luthuli Combined School

Capricorn District Mayor Mamedupi Teffo said the launch of the much-anticipated school debating competition is an event that promises to ignite the flames of critical thinking and dialogue on various topics.

POLOKWANE – The Developmental Debate League has been launched at Luthuli Combined School recently and is the brainchild of Kedibone Lebea Footprints.

The league aims to develop learners through debate as according to Lebea, charity begins at home.

Kedibone Lebea (Kedibone Lebea Footprints founder).

“Kedibone Lebea Footprints decided to start with the schools in Seshego first, but that does not only mean that the Developmental Debate League will focus only on Seshego. We will later branch out into other areas. Kedibone Footprints is a first of its kind and will become an annual event where ultimately we will be able to take many children from previously disadvantaged backgrounds to institutions of higher learning.

Capricorn District Mayor Mamedupi Teffo said the launch of the much-anticipated school debating competition is an event that promises to ignite the flames of critical thinking and dialogue on various topics.

“We commend Kedibone Footprints for putting together such a platform for our learners to sharpen their research and advocacy skills. This competition is in line with debating competitions that we convene annually on road safety and disaster management to extend learning beyond the classroom, and involves schools in our mission to find lasting solutions to disaster risks and road safety. We do not doubt that this competition will empower our learners to navigate the complexities of the modern age. We hope that the topics for debate will center around finding solutions to challenges that are faced by young people today, the key being inequality, poverty, unemployment, crime, and gender-based violence,” said Teffo.

She said with schools being the catalysts for social change, the programme becomes relevant in instilling and educating young people on active citizenry.

“We commend our teachers for embracing the project and we urge you to please, mentor, and guide these learners in this journey and help them prepare. Learners must seize this opportunity with courage and passion. The pillars of this competition are teamwork and collaboration. Working in groups will certainly enhance your public speaking, problem-solving, and leadership skills.”

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