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Breaunanda’s pet cematary

Dead snakes and cats make this veld a pet cematary.

It feels like a scene from that old Stephen King novel inspired Pet Cematary movie when one takes a walk through the veld in Breaunanda, Roodepoort.

The Record received information about a snake in the grass (literally) in that veld and decided to investigate.

On Thursday 4 June a journalist and the editor scavenged the veld at the corner of Corlett and Venus Avenues. Approaching a loiterer, we asked whether the snake was indeed still at peace in its presumably natural environment.

“No, the people removed it. It was a big snake!” he answered with his eyes stretched wide.

And so we scavenged on.

The saddening remains of a cat was found before we stumbled upon the dead snake, obviously moved from where it was first sighted.

A local veterinarian referred us to a certain Darryn, an apparent snake owner, for more information.

Judging by the photographs taken, it was identified as a boa constrictor.

The common boa constrictor is usually 2,1 to 2,4 metres in length and can live for up to 30 years.

It often is kept as a pet snake, which begs the question – did this snake have an owner?

Did it perhaps escape its confinements at home? You be the judge.

Feel free to inform journalist Mathilde Myburgh of any strange findings on 082 834 8182.


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