Road rage not the answer
Motorists these days drive like idiots. Why else would our blood boil on the roads? On Valentine’s Day a biker was shot and killed following a confrontation with a motorist. I’m sure the motorist caused the confrontation in the first place. Okay, this is not my actual opinion, but I’m quite sure I struck a …
Motorists these days drive like idiots. Why else would our blood boil on the roads?
On Valentine’s Day a biker was shot and killed following a confrontation with a motorist. I’m sure the motorist caused the confrontation in the first place.
Okay, this is not my actual opinion, but I’m quite sure I struck a nerve. When incidents like these hit the media, opinions start streaming in. One thing always evident in cases such as this one is the good old Biker vs Motorist feud.
You will always read opinions such as “sure it is sad that he died, but he could have prevented it” and “I’m sure the biker was looking for trouble”.
Please don’t be that person …
Sure, we all know bikers can misbehave on the roads and off, but so can motorists.
Every day I come across many motorists who, simply put, drive like idiots. If you are one of them, don’t dare to share your opinion in cases such as this one. My opinion is that none of these two acted responsibly. If you confront anyone on the road, expect a defensive reaction.
As a former biker, I do understand that bikers get a lot of flak from arrogant motorists, but the same can be said for some bikers.
If we continue generalising like this, every single road user may as well be guilty.
Someone was killed, and justice must be served. Condolences to all affected by any similar event.