Emfuleni welcomes the newly appointed Chief Operations Officer

Municipality realizes its commitment to fill critical senior management positions.

VANDERBIJLPARK. – After several Strategic Workshops which amongst other things, identified the need to strengthen government systems and operations, an important development that presents an incredible opportunity to change the Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) organizational culture to one of high performance and professionalism has been fulfilled by the appointment of a high performing professional with an implacable track record.
We believe we have selected and brought on board a fit-for-purpose skilled professional who will be instrumental in turning the municipality around by ensuring that we have a motivated staff with an increased work ethic.
The aim is to change a culture of inward-looking to that of service to communities and resolute focus on driving the development priorities of ELM.
Modiba David Mogofe is the newly appointed Chief Operations Officer (COO) necessitated to serve within the confines of the law, and constitution of any democratically elected political administration that comes into power.
This will in turn promote the stability of the institution into the future.
Armed with expertise in building/optimizing organizational processes, measurement systems, and infrastructure to maximize business results, Mogofe is a skilled strategist who transforms strategic plans into workable solutions and benchmarks performance against key operational targets/goals.
He strikes as high-performing individual with expertise in optimizing organizational processes, measurement systems, and infrastructure to maximize business results across many industries and sectors, including the municipalities, the public and private sectors.
He possesses demonstrable experience in Strategic leadership and Relationship Management skills which are much needed in improving employees’ morale within this institution which has had many setbacks with resulted in low staff morale.
Mogofe holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration and currently studying towards another Masters qualification in Commerce.
His experience in ensuring compliance with the Municipal Finance Legislation and Regulations is an add-on bonus that will strengthen and support Finance controls in the institution.
“Institutions ailments are caused by many factors including failing systems which tend to create an environment which leaves the most important asset, the people, demoralized and demotivated. I am in the Municipal Manager’s office. Mine is to operationalize that which the accounting office drives to achieve and ensure that systems are well-oiled to achieve unhindered services to the people of Emfuleni.” says Mogofe.
The Municipality wishes to welcome this new professional in Emfuleni and hopes that his addition to a team that has hit the ground running, will further turn around this institution of the people of Sedibeng.
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