Making a difference one rescue at a time

VEREENIGING. - A tale of bravery and compassion recently unfolded when a concerned resident of Sebokeng became a hero by answering the cries for help from a distressed dog.

After hearing the cries, the man searched his property and discovered a dog trapped in the sewage system.
The dog that was trapped in the sewage system.
Knowing that he would not be able to save the dog on his own, he called the Vereeniging & Vanderbijlpark SPCA for assistance.
The SPCA inspectors rushed to the scene and found the terrified dog trapped in raw sewage.
Despite the challenging conditions, the dedicated team, with the help of the community, safely rescued the dog.
A community member bringing a handmade ladder from afar enabled the rescue.
“Eloise, one of our team members, displayed remarkable bravery as she waded through the sewage to save the dog.
“Covered in human waste, she emerged victorious, knowing she had made a difference,” says Marlien de Klerk (manager of the Vereeniging/Vanderbijlpark SPCA).
Safely at the SPCA, the dog received much-needed care, a warm bath, nourishing food, and a cosy bed.
This heartwarming rescue emphasises the crucial role of the community’s ongoing support towards the SPCA.
Your support and generosity empowers them to continue their mission of rescuing animals.
Every donation, regardless of size, contributes to saving lives.
The handmade ladder that enabled the rescue.
Consider making a donation to the Vereeniging & Vanderbijlpark SPCA using the following details:
Account Name: Vereeniging SPCA
Bank: ABSA Bank
Account Type: Savings Account
Account Number: 9258578888
Branch: Vereeniging
 Branch Code: 632005
Reference: Rescue & your Surname
All donations are tax-deductible. For a receipt, please send your request to with proof of donation attached.
Thank you for your much needed support.
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