Prayer against Alcohol and Drug Abuse

The focus was on providing support and guidance to those struggling with addiction.

BOIPATONG.- The community, in collaboration with local churches, recently held a prayer event against alcohol and drug abuse at the Boipatong Hall.

Organized by the Boipatong United Christian Movement, the event aimed to address the pressing issue of substance abuse within the community. Selloane Raborifi, speaking to Sedibeng Ster, highlighted the destructive impact of alcohol on families and emphasised the spiritual aspect of the battle against addiction.
Raborifi mentioned that while the turnout was not as high as expected, the event still managed to achieve its objective.

The focus was on providing support and guidance to those struggling with addiction and helping them take steps towards recovery. Five individuals were identified to be taken to SANCA for rehabilitation, and plans were made to establish support groups for affected parents, individuals in recovery, and those returning from rehab to prevent relapses.

Despite the lower attendance, Raborifi expressed optimism about organizing future prayer events against substance abuse, aiming for broader community participation. She stressed the importance of addressing the challenges faced by parents coping with addiction and the need for community-wide support.

Professional boxer, Gideon Buthelezi, who attended the event as a guest, expressed gratitude for being invited and honored to share the platform with clergy members from various churches. He acknowledged the significance of such events in raising awareness and addressing the issue of substance abuse in the community.

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