Amanzimtoti egret recovers at Crow

The bird will spend a month at the rehabilitation centre to fully recover. Thereafter, it will be released back into the wild.

AN ADULT egret, which was discovered in Amanzimtoti recently, tangled in fishing line, is making a good recovery at the Centre for Rehabilitation of Wildlife (Crow).

Also read: Crowned Eagle fitted with identification tag in Amanzimtoti

In a statement, Crow said that after the bird was found, the centre’s team sprang into action, swiftly removing the dangerous entanglement from its leg.

“Thankfully, apart from this ordeal, the egret suffered no other injuries. Now, under our care, this beautiful bird will be with us for at least another month as it recuperates and regains its strength,” it said.

Crow also recently released a sub-adult Kelp Gull that had arrived from Amanzimtoti in early February, showing signs of botulism. Crow’s nurses showered him with fluids, medication and, most importantly, love. After weeks of tender care and making a full recovery, the gull was released back into the wild.


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